Showing posts with label Beta 2. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beta 2. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

How to Install iOS 7 Beta 3 Without Developer Account or UDID Registration

Download and Install iOS 7 Beta 3 onto any supported iDevice for free, no UDID Registration Required!  iOS 7 is not only Apples most advanced mobile operating system, but it is far superior than any other on the market today! iOS 7 not only offers a completely redesigned easy-to-use user interface, it also offers many new, revolutionary features, as well as great performance for a Beta OS. Be ahead of the curve and update to iOS 7 Beta 3 today, absolutely free, months before it officially is released to the public. iOS 7 IPSW download links are found below.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

iOS 7 Beta 2 Released Monday the 24th featuring improved stability and iPad Support!

Apple adds iPad Support for iOS 7
Recently Apple released the second Beta for their upcoming mobile device operating system iOS 7. It has only been two weeks since the first release, and they have made some major improvements! Great news to all, Apple has finally released a beta for the iPad 2, as well as the third and fourth generations! Overall there is a large speed increase, as well as a slight battery life increase. (About an hour more of use) Some animations such as opening and closing multitasking, as well as exiting apps have been improved and are much most stable and smooth. Furthermore some glitches such as returning to the home screen after being in a landscape application have been resolved. In general there has been a large stability improvement since the first beta release.