Monday, July 29, 2013

Apple Releases Beta 4 to Developers! New Features, Updates, and More!

After a 3 week break between the release of Betas, Apple finally seeded iOS 7 Beta 4 to developers dis-morning around 9 o clock AM. Its amazing that Apple can still produce a Beta after dealing with a monumental security breach with their Developer Program. As there are not many download links for Beta 4, one of the easiest ways to update is to simply use the Software Update over-the-air feature in the iOS Settings App. Here is a quick article discussing some of the updates which Apple improved upon!

Apple Releases Beta 4 to Developers! New Features, Updates, and More!

As it is getting latter and later in the stage of developing iOS 7, some of the changes are becoming less and less apparent. Apple, not addressing what exactly they changed, simply noted "Security and Bug Fixes." Heres what myself, and other iOS users have noticed...

The Lock Screen:
  1. There is now an arrow to the left of the slide to unlock text simply to advise users which direction to unlock the device. 
  2. The Control Center and Notification Center Bars are now Flattened instead of Pointed. 
  3. When a user taps on the lock screen it now bounces to the right. 

  1. The "Call" button has slightly changed, as well as the "Decline, Answer, Remind Me, and Message" buttons. 

  1. Siri has now received an additional tab called "Q&A." You can now ask questions such as "How many calories in a bagel?" or "How many days until Christmas?" etc. 

  1. Focus Area is now Yellow instead of Green.
  2. HDR Option is now Moved to the Right in Landscape, or to the Top in Portrait. 
  3. The bottom right photo preview is no longer "Negative."

Other Various Features:
  1. The Spot Light Search Now Features a "Cancel" Button. 
  2. The "Time Estimate" in Maps is now located directly on the banner. Maps also has a new "Frequent Locations" feature.
  3. Settings receives various new icons.

Small Changes: 

  1. Minor Changes in the Music App such as the "Shuffle All Songs" button.
  2. Mail Downloads have a new Animation.
  3. Alarm Features "Tap to Snooze."
  4. Ability to turn off Contact Photos.
  5. Enable Completed Upload Banners in Notification Center.
  6. Slight Changes to the World Clock. 
  7. New Settings Toggle under "Photos and Camera" to turn on "Summarise Photos."
  8. Lock Screen Wall Paper Preview.
  9. You can Swipe between Panels in Notification Center. Tab titles are now Capitalized.
  10. Bold Text option in Settings, Accessibility.
  11. Search in Reminders App.
  12. iPhone 4S Live Photo Filters!
  13. Multitasking Previews are now Live Tiles!

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