Monday, July 8, 2013

Apple Releases iOS 7 Beta 3, New Updates, Bug Fixes, How to Update, iOS Beta Comparison.

Only two weeks after Apple releases Beta 2, they're back again releasing a third Beta of iOS 7 to developers! Earlier today Apple seeded iOS 7 Beta 3 featuring greater stability and minor updates. For the official list of all the updates, go to Apples developer website, otherwise keep reading this article!

Apple Releases iOS 7 Beta 3, New Updates, Bug Fixes, How to Update, iOS Beta Comparison.

The release notes for iOS 7 Beta 3 don't mention any significant changes or added features, mostly summarizes bug fixes and performance enhancements.

Some of the main noticeable changes are as follows:

  • The Status bar is larger on the lock screen.
  • Apple increases the transparency and the blur on folder backgrounds. 
  • Furthermore, if an Application is located within a folder and is currently being updated, the whole folder is dimmed just as if it were an Application. 
  • The iPod music controls are slightly redesigned. 
  • As Notification Center bounces when it hits the bottom of the screen, Control Center now receives a similar animation when it is fully extended. 
  • Minor Font Changes in some built in Applications such as Weather, as well as on the springboard.

Overall Apple has kept an amazing schedule to release Betas exactly two weeks apart. In comparison to last year, Apple is almost precisely matching their Beta release interval dates.
The best way to experience iOS 7 is to try it yourself! Heres How...

If your already upgraded to iOS 7, simply open the Settings application and navigate to General, then Software Update. (Just as you would for iOS 6) If your not updated, simply follow THIS GUIDE to install iOS 7, without a UDID registration. Remember, even though iOS 7 is now on its third Beta stage, it is still a Beta OS which may contain bugs!

iOS 6 Beta Release Intervals.

  • iOS 6 Beta 1: Lasted 14.75 Days
  • iOS 6 Beta 2: Lasted 15.4 Days
  • iOS 6 Beta 3: Lasted 15 Days
  • iOS 6 Beta 4: Lasted 18.6 Days
  • iOS 6 Beta 5: Lasted 17.8 Days
  • iOS 6 Beta 6: Lasted 11 Days

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