Monday, July 15, 2013

Install iOS 7 Beta 3 No UDID Registration Video Tutorial

If you missed my recent post on how to install iOS 7 Beta 3 onto your iDevice without any UDID registration, Fear Not! Check out this quick Tutorial Video on how to do so! Have your iPhone running iOS 7 in a matter of minutes! Check it out!

Install iOS 7 Beta 3 No UDID Registration Video Tutorial 

Things you will need before you start:
  • Downloaded Copy of iOS 6.1.4 (Google Search or use iTunes to Download) 
  • Downloaded Copy of iOS 7 for your specific iDevice (Google Search "iOS 7 Beta 3 Download iPSW") 
  • The most recent version of iTunes installed (Version 11.0.4)
  • Mac or Windows Computer with iDevice Connected to it!

How to Install iOS 7 Without Developer Account or UDID Registration

Before beginning make sure to backup your iDevice through iCloud or iTunes! You must also update to the latest version of iTunes (11.0.4), otherwise your iOS 7 devise will not show up in iTunes once you have restored. 

Just as a warning, iOS 7 is only intended for developers to test their applications on. It is not intended for the average iPhone user. iOS 7 does have many amazing updates, but it is still in Beta development, meaning there still will be bugs! 

Finally if you restore your iTunes or iCloud backup to your iDevice running iOS 7, you will not be able to downgrade to iOS 6 and have all your settings. You will, however, be able to downgrade to back to iOS 6, but an error will come up in iTunes when trying to restore an iOS 7 backup to and iOS 6 operating system. 

With all that being said, here is How to Download and Install iOS 7!

*To abide by apples Copywrite Laws, we can not host or provide download links to any iOS 7 Beta Software. However it is very easy to find with a simple Google Search. (Example: "iOS 7 Beta 3 IPSW iPhone Download") Note* Make sure to download the correct version for what iDevice you are attempting to install iOS 7 on. 

As Apple only releases Beta software to iOS Developers, there are in fact some loop holes in their software! Here is one for example. 

Here are the steps: 

Step 1: Backup your iDevice. 

Step 2: Download iOS 7 (Download the Latest Beta) Currently iOS Beta 3.

Step 3: Download and Restore to the latest official iOS software for your iDevice. (iOS 6.1.4) Do this by clicking "Restore" in iTunes or manually downloading the software from a third party website like Felizbruns. Once iOS 6 is downloaded, connect your iDevice to your computer, and open iTunes. On the restore tab, hold Shift and Left Click to manually select your iPSW software file. (Manual Install Only)

Step 4: When the device finishes restoring, make sure to set it up as a new device. (Do not restore from backup) 

Step 5: Once iOS 7 has finished downloading, open iTunes and navigate to the restore tab once more. This time hold shift and left click on the "Check for Updates" button. Select your iPSW and restore to iOS 7! Once this restore finishes you will be on a fully activated version of iOS 7. 

Don't forget to subscribe to our news feed, like us on Facebook, follow us on twitter, and add us on Google Plus to stay updated with future information on iOS 7!

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